My friend Jane bought this for me upstate. Aside from the fact that it's adorable, I am so happy to have a friend like her, who does not quilt, who supports me and takes pride in my work. It sits above my sink in the kitchen so whenever I do the dishes I just smile.

Remember the round-robin? Black and white and one color of our choice? Well, this is the block I received, and I didn't really know what to do with it at first. Her block ends at the white frame, and really she used off-whites. This round was paper piecing, and I knew the quilt needed some action - boy did it get action! Obviously, I haven't finished it yet, and I'm late with my homework!

And now my homework has is building up. I have to put some form of circles as the next layer.

An finally, I finished sewing all the seams for the big red ball.

Ball is turned right side out.


and more stuffing...

with this stuff.

Ta da!