I went to that Bay Ridge fabric store again, and found some felted wool suitings for 50 cents a small scarf-sized piece. I bought nine of them, and felted them some more in my washing machine. I've been "itching" to make a project of wool for a long time now, and it was fun. It's based on a design I'd drawn in my journal for a quilt back in December, but I altered it somewhat and came up with this. It's going on my dining room wall.
Doesn't it make you want to sit down and have a drink?!?
I love it. What inspires you? You always have good ideas.
How cute is that??? :D I love it! I just bought a couple more pieces of wool clothing at the thrift shop last week to add to my wool collection, and have been hooking on a small rug today. :D Great piece!
Great piece! Nice stitching. It compliments the design very well. I like the idea of working with wool in the summertime...I reminds me that cooler weather will eventually come and I'll be ready!
Here in South Carolina, it's suppose to hit 100 degrees again today.
Have you been to the quilt shop in Brooklyn?
that is CUTE. It would be fun to do a series of coffee cup quilts.
I love the wool, funny how even though it's wool, it does "look" refreshing. I have four kids too, and cherish every moment I have to quilt. I think some of your pictures from your trip to Jerusalem would make wonderful quilts.
LOVELY primative pot-o-java. Did you HAND stitch that?! Felting rocks.
Can you tell me where the fabric store in Bay Ridge is located? I live in Bay Ridge and since Dan Sacks, here for over 40 yrs, closed, there is no really good place to go for fabrics.
hi catherine
the store in bay ridge is i believe the same location as dan sacks. from what i understand one of the workers took over the store. it is around 82nd and 2nd or 3rd aves, i can't remember which offhand. ENJOY!
Your portrait is great - I've been thinking of doing a portrait too, just to try, but so far, I've been too chicken.
Your felt piece is great too! Another thing I've wanted to try is some wool applique. I'm going to have to make a trip out to the thrift store for sure.
Everything makes me want to sit down and have a drink.
I love your wool felting design. I wonder what you mean by felting it more in the washing machine. I need to take a class. Also, I loved your pictures of Jerusalem and all the mosaics you found! Thanks for sharing.
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