Once inside the old city walls, the roads are narrow and busy with people walking all around - a real challenge. I was surprised they still allow cars to drive through. We went through this tunnel to get to parking for the Kotel, or Western Wall.
Then it was back to my favorite part, the city center and the midrachov, a stone paved strip only open to pedestrians, where we ate dinner and my son stole the show from these mimes with applause. Night life in Jerusalem is very kid friendly, and the shops are open late. Shopping here is just AWE-SOME! In addition to great clothes and shoes and jewelry, this is where everyone gets their best souvenirs, and there are always entertainers practicing.
While the mimes kept the kids occupied, wouldncha knowit? Another friend from NY...
And it was a good thing we met up with him, too. We'd parked our car in a lot, and being from NY, we never thought that a parking lot in the very center of a very large city would ever close. 9:50pm to be exact. So, without toothbrushes or a change of clothes we followed our friend back to his hotel where we stayed for the night. I didn't care. I was happy in my favorite part of Jerusalem - the part where I'd lived for 3 months when my oldest child was a baby. I inhale and can only remember the smells - the evergreens, the night, I don't know what it is, but I love it.
For those of you who guessed Israel, you were right, of course. The zoo was the biblical zoo in Jerusalem, and that oasis? That was Eilat, Israel' southernmost city, closely bordering Jordan and Egypt. The coral reef was in the Red Sea, and those are Jordanian mountains in the background. We drove through the Negev desert, and that crater, the Ramon. On the way back, that was the Dead Sea I showed you, and what looks like snow is of course salt. I think I covered all of the pictures I posted.
Anyway, thanks to all of you who posted, I had fun with it!
The pictures are wonderful and how great that you met friends from New York; but I'm glad you and your family are home safe and sound. I didn't know that you lived there at one time. (your very brave given the condition of the world today) Look forward to more blogs on quilting and New York.
Welcome back, and thanks so much for letting us join you on your visit with pictures. It is beautiful.
Miriam, thank you for sharing your incredible trip and your beautiful family! We must go to Jerusalem!!!
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