Elaine, doll, thanks for inquiring about me and my well being. I'm doing well, actually, socializing, going to fundraisers (one in the Marriott times square!), having 3 neighborhood families over for lunch this Saturday. All happy stress, right?! I just remembered that we took a pic before leaving for the Marriott...
Some of you like my New York stories, so how 'bout another one. Now that I mentioned the Marriott fundraiser... We were pretty late, but since it was late I figured we'd save the $60-100 for parking and make an attempt to park on the street. For those of you who know NYC, you've seen the signs that say, "Don't Even THINK of Parking Here." Well, we circled around a couple of times and found a block that seemed to have half a dozen spots! Is this right, or are we missing something? Both hubby and I get out, and read and re-read the three signs posted vertically. They went something like this: from 8am-6pm no parking any time, from 6pm-8am 2 hour parking with meter (which was down the block), sat/sun/holidays something else I forget, and there were a myriad of stipulations such as "except deliveries." It seemed too good to be true. Slightly up the block a police car idled, double parked. We approached, and the cop reluctantly lowered his window, as it was the coldest night of the year. "Excuse me, officer, I'm sorry to bother you but is that legal parking?" my husband humbly inquired. "What does the sign say?" was the gruff response. My husband explained that in the maze of sign language it seamed OK, but we just wanted to make sure. The cop's response was something like, duh, if it seems OK and you read fluent English why are you bothering me? No, he didn't say that, but it was implied with the, "Well I guess it's OK then." We walked down the block a bit, and hubby said with a smile, "Tough job to be a NY cop in Manhattan, huh?" Why the smile, you might ask. I can't explain it but I understood it. When you're a proud New Yorker you understand that there are territories - you respect that. This was the cop's territory, and as native NYers we're expected to be self-sufficient enough to park our car. In my neighborhood, for example, it's understood that street parking in front of my house is my domain, and unless there are no other spots available, courtesy dictates one should not park there. Of course, only neighborhood people understand that, so I don't expect someone from out of town to understand that. There is the shmuck across the street, however, who has "taken" my husband's spot out front when it's been dug out from snow, despite the fact that there's one right behind him, not so neatly dug out by us.
Am I making any sense? I surmise if you read my blog long enough you'll start to get a feel for NYC and it's "street sense." That is my goal here. A person can come to NYC a thousand times and see all the sights, but you won't see this - this pulse.
About my sewing machine - it's still moody, and I think it has something to do with a cheap-o thread I put in it. It rebelled both times. So guess what I done did? Yep, I bought a new one! Designer II on Ebay baby! It's risky I know, but thank God it all worked out, and I got a great deal. If I liked my Viking dealer I probably wouldn't have done it, but I don't, and it's an extra bonus that I bypassed him :)
I love that tooth quilt! How awesome. Great job!
Also, I really like the parking story. Yes, I know what you mean about NYC having it's own pulse.
Great job on the tooth quilt! I am sure your uncle loves it!
I love you NYC stories. Since we lived there for three and a half years, it brings back memories! We have our own parking stories. We didnot own a car while we lived there (hubby LOVES mass transit!), but one week we borrowed my parent's car so we could drive to Montreal for our anniversary. Every week during the summer, on Wednesday nights there was some sort of african american festival in Riverside park, near our apartment. Made parking really hard. The week of our anniversary there was also a jazz festival. So we drove my parents' car home from church that night and my hubby drops me off and goes to try and park the car. He finds a spot several blocks away where he can wedge the tiny ford escort in. The next morning when we go to retrieve something out of the back seat - the car is missing! Only then so we notice that he had parked in a bus zone. We had been towed - all the way to queens! So we got to spend the day and several hundred dollars retrieving the car - before we could leave for our anniversary weekend away!
Have a great weekend!
Your tooth quilt is so much fun, one of a kind for sure. I bet your uncle just loves it!
As I'm reeling in pain from a hot bite of lasagna on my recent crown, I open your glorious tooth quilt! Bet your uncle loves it!Congrats on the new Viking Girl! You deserve a present! You and your handsome husband look awesome in that Marriott pic.
That tooth quilt is simply fantastic! Wish my dentist had one to look at when I went in for cleanings...
As for the NYC story, I used to livein Boston and while it's not the same, you certainly took me back to all our years of parking drama!
Your tooth quilt is amazing. It has the feel of a Georgia O'Keefe flower.
It is impossible for someone from the West to understand NYC. My husband's Dutch, so many greats grandfather settled there (New Amsterdam)in 1638 and even farmed the site of the World Trade Center, but it is incomprehensible to us, fascinating but incomprehensible. It was a family of pioneers so they led the way west.
What a terrific tooth quilt. I love it!
Love the toothie!!!! It came out great!
I add my praise for the tooth quilt--it's wonderful; maybe even a little TOO graphic for the squeamish me, who can't stand anything anatomical. :)
Enjoyed your Viking dealer comment too--what is it about them? Sewing maching dealers are right up there with used car dealers in my book. How about a straight forward price, for instance?
What fun - a tooth quilt! I'm not sure I've ever seen one.
Thanks for sharing!
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