OK, here's the next round. The center block is Ellen's wonky squares, then Lenni got a hold of it and you just can always tell when she's touched something. Lenni always does something unexpected, with fabrics you may even call just ugly. Somehow she makes the uglies come together into a beautiful swan. I happen to like these fabrics though. Then Malki made the last round, "Circles," starting at the red border.
So I've been staring at this again and again. Then I take myself away and take short glances, just to see something new. When those two things didn't work I just despaired. I always like to make something nice for others, but this is my next door neighbor and when no ideas were coming I thought what a shame it would be that I couldn't pull this quilt out of it's shell for Ellen. It needs order, it's just all over the place, crazy! THEN, IT HIT ME! Crazy. What do I do when I'm a little crazy? Flashes of Andy Warhol dancers went through my head. Walk like an Egyptian. You'll have to tune in to see where I'm headed as I'm not completely sure myself. I have an image, but again the insecurities come in. I can't see it through, where am I gonna get the dancers from because I can't draw. Blah blah. Then I remember what Ellen always tells me - JUST DO IT!

Good luck with this challange. It is so busy with so much happening :)
Can't wait to see what you have in mind--love it.
I'm very interested in how this goes. I love the entire combination.
Do you have to add more? I think it is ready for its binding!
Yes! Just go for it! Can't wait to see what you've come up with.
I think Debra has something--it's great as it is. (Nothing like adding to your stress, is there :) Post the finish product.
Wow, that's why I love (and dread) round robin projects! Could you maybe do a little pinwheel type block, with strips instead of triangles? Or a Greek Key type of thing? My little sewing group does these projects from time to time, and its so much fun to see how they turn out! :)
Hi Miriam,
I see a line of dancing paper dolls in bright red on a black and white patterened background as the next. Channel Keith Haring. Good luck and can't wait to see it finished!
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