Before I kvetch to you let me just tell you about this terrific quilt - WOODLAND BY NORIKO ENDO OF JAPAN. Oh, it seems blogger ate my close up of that terrific foliage. It's made from bits and pieces of fabric - so terrific because now I never have to throw any fabric away, no matter how small. I always hate throwing away even the smallest pieces. I once tried to recycle all of those bits of batting by soaking in hot water for days to no avail. I thought I'd just be left with pillow stuffing but it was just felted batting!
OK now for the kvetching...

It seems I'm quite the fool. Those of you who use blogger know that they've been asking for us to upgrade to their beta through Google crap. Flashes in your face, over and over, your account will have to change by the end of 2006, and when you finally join you have tons of problems. Of course, knowing blogger I am not all that surprised. I thought I'd take the plunge and use flickr, then I tried photobucket, and they are sooooooooooo slow. Please! Any advice?!!! Those of you who used Hello know what I'm talking about - it was so fast! I also downloaded Picasa and hit blog this, then nothing but waiting. OIY!
Blogger is being a butthead. Ever since I switched over, it's been giving me no end of grief.
Love the Woodland!!!
I have no idea how to help with this as I am a new blogger and can't do anything but post words and a picture. Anything else and I'm completely stumped. I need to find someone to teach me! But just wanted to let you know that I found your blog on a link from someones else's blog and began to follow it. I love to reading blogs peppered with the words I know,love,understand and use like kvetch and oy!
That Woodland Quilt is wonderful. How does she attach the bits and pieces?
Hi Miriam. This may or may not be helpful, but I don't bother with Flickr or Hello/Picasa. I use the little picture icon on the Blogger input window to upload my photos (I'm a beta user) and everything works just fine. Good luck.
Cut out the middleman photo hosting services and use the blogger photo service. I can download 5 pictures in a snap. It's been the best service I've had since joining blogger.
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