This past week, our group went out for a holiday party. As you can see, Lenni had her head tatooed in henna, which I thought was so cool. Only Lenni could pull off something like that! I predict that this will become a trend, although she's bald due to illness and not fashion.
Check out the close-up:
Here's Ellen and Madi. You can view their art websites on the link list to the right.
Here's Lenni and me.
I love the Henna tatoos! I hope your friend will get well and in the meantime, she can spot a cool look!
The henna tatoo is awesome! What a beautiful head!
Lovely round robin. Those color are yum!
I've always been interested in the henna tatoos. Having her head done was a wonderful idea!
What fun you guys have! Miriam can I send you an email? Elaine - egentry5@sbcglobal.net
The henna tattoo is beautiful. What a fun group!
Hey, what about flying geese for the next round on the quilt?
Lovely henna tattoo. I appreciate the courage and positive attitude it reflects even more than the pretty design.
Looks like a great party! Jen
I'd like to secind Jen's remarks. I love the head decoration and what an example to us all. Please tell her 'Get well soon'.
A hug for Lenni, she must be great fun. Flying geese would work well for your next round, but some not well ordered appliqued free geese would be good too. Happy New Year!
Hello Fellow Kvilta!!Hi Miriam..and thanks for stopping by my blog...your's it chock full of wonderful photos,stories and inspiration...I also live in NY..You can reach me at sbfschrott@aol.com...are you out on long island ? keep up the great work..oh and if you want to see me..just go to my very first entry and there I am swinging from a tree..literally!!
happy new year..
Miriam, I hope you and your NewYawker quilting unit are all safe after the freaky gas/NJ leak today. Prayin for fresh air for you down here! : o
Hi Miriam,
Your blog is inspirational! I love reading it!
Your friend and fellow kvilta,
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