I don't have any quilting to show you this post, as my last couple of weeks have been very stressful. Thank God everyone is OK, but I've had so much nonsense to deal with that I think I've had my fill for the year. Major car issues, computer problems, cell phone company customer service peeves (Cingular), and worst of all my hand. That's why I have no quilting to show you. The stress and exhaustion shows on my face, and I hesitated to include this picture because of that. Then I thought, what the heck? This blog is supposed to be a journal of my life - my real life. So there I am, in all my stressful glory.
What is a quilter to do when she can't quilt? Why, read about quilting, of course! I have a funny story to tell, if you have a few minutes...
What is a quilter to do when she can't quilt? Why, read about quilting, of course! I have a funny story to tell, if you have a few minutes...
Do you remember Rundy, the quilt I showed you from Houston? Fellow blogger the Calico Cat told me about the artist's website (Marilyn Belford). I was excited to learn that she has workshops even though as a mom I'll most likely not get to that this decade. I'm not sure if I mentioned that this enchantment started last January in Orlando, when I bought a quilting magazine and saw Rundy for the first time. I just stared at it, went through the magazine, and stared at it again. Months passed and I forgot Rundy until the Houston show. There it was in all it's glory. I'm sorry I didn't get more time to spend with it - I thought I'd go back but was too exhausted to continue.
Fast forward to Thanksgiving, when I spent some time with cousin Nancy. Nancy has an interest in the arts of all kinds, and asked me how my quilting was going. I mentioned my blog, and she checked it out the next day. After seeing my post on Marilyn Belford, she thought the name rang a bell. She called her long-time friend, and yes, it is her mother! Small world huh? Nancy's friend said her mom just came out with a book - !!! - a book?! I hadn't noticed it on her website when I checked it out the first time, but on a second look there it was!
And here it is...(just click on the pic)

No, I don't get any commission, although I wonder how many people will buy this book because of my post? I haven't had a chance to read it but it looks thorough, and the techniques are definitely do-able for any quilter. She has a process where she computer-manipulates a photo to make it easy to select fabrics for shading, etc. I recommend it highly. When I'll get to actually making a portrait is another story.
Between that book and a trip to the book store where I picked up the latest Quilting Arts magazine and this book:

"Creative Quilting - The Journal Quilt Project." This super-thick book is chock full of terrific quilts from people who participated in the journal art quilt project. One quilt per month, chronicling any aspect of your life or the world. Each is the size of an ordinary piece of paper. I usually prefer technique books but this one has so many quilts using so many different techniques that I really learn something new every time I flip through.
I am making it through my hand's healing process. How did I hurt my hand, you ask? Since my littlest started Nursery I decided to do some home improvements and over-did. It's officially a tendinitis. It still hurts and I have to watch myself with the groceries, lifting kids, etc, but I am typing this so that's a start!
You know, I've really missed you guys! I appreciate every comment and find it motivates me to keep going. Thanks for that.
There is nothing worse than a quilter wanting to quilt and can't.
I hope your hand makes a full recovery.
Well at least your ok to type once in a while. Keep us posted on the books you are reading to keep you motivated. Heal quickly
Look after that hand - I feel your pain and frustration. I suffered a very nasty bout of repetitive strain injury affecting my wrist years ago and it continues to trouble me if I overdo things. To TAKE IT SLOWLY!!
You might be interested in this online course from Quilt University. It took me a few minutes to remember who it was that wrote about this designer....
Awww man! Bummer about your hand! I hope you get better soon so you can quilt!
I hope your hand feels better soon!
You look so sad. Feel better. You can always prepare for quilting by finding inspiration in other things. I've been meaning to start taking more digital pictures...
Awww--- what a face! Hang in there, kiddo! You're gonne be all jazzed up with ideas now and as soon as you heal up you'll be stictching up a tornado!
Sorry you've had a rough go of things lately. It is bound to get better. Thanks for sharing those books with us. My library doesn't have either one. The journal quilt project is so intersting - and I always meant to try it for myself to do one a month, but just wasn't able to keep up. I think it is a fabulous way to document life, and to try out different techniques.
That Rundy quilt has always fascinated me too.
What a bummer! I've had something similar happen to my wrist many years ago (carpal tunnel syndrome). Hang in there and don't over do it. Let your hand heal properly.
Several years ago, I had both hands/arms in these darn things. Trying to get dressed without even one good hand was a dramatic comedy. After 3 months, I switched to the short ones that end at the wrists and thought it was heaven.
Hope your are all better soon!
Thanks for the book suggestions.
So sorry about your arm! I know how that feels and it's no fun. Here's hoping it heals fast!
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