Friday, July 28, 2006


I made this today. It is a disturbing piece to me. I really don't like it, but I was disturbed while making it, so I guess it's art representing life. I experimented with oil pastels on muslin, then covered it with organza strips. There is so much heavy meaning to this, but I really don't think I did the meaning justice so I'll just leave it for whatever you'd like to tell me it brings out in you...

Wednesday, July 26, 2006


I've been meaning to show you the skirt I made for my cousin's wedding. I am very happy with the results, and got alot of complements on it. I would have preferred to wear a more airy turquoise top, but this was all I had. When I come across a pattern I fall in love with for the top and some turquoise fabric (I tried) I'll have to make something up.

The ripples are still there on some of the seams, and it bothers me, but when you're moving it just looks like, well, you're moving. The skirt was very comfortable. The whole night I kept thinking I'd make a bunch. There's nothing like custom!

Here we're on the terrace of the party hall, right near Shea Stadium, with fireworks in the background as it was the night of July 3rd. Right after the game we were treated to a nice show! I'm more a Yankees fan than Mets, but I heard they won.

On another note I think I finally figured out what I'm doing wrong with my lack of multi-pic posts. This picture of us entered in fine, as it was sent by my brother and he resized it (smaller). It seems to me that it should still work with a larger one, but it doesn't... bear with me!

Sunday, July 23, 2006

This tropical and bright fabric is so cheery, and I love the color of the green, but too many circles...

Traced it, not even waiting for it to dry...

It all started with this tree near my house. It's been pretty hot lately, and then came lots of rain. I got so sick of being inside and needed something to cheer me up. I ran out in the rain and retrieved a leaf...

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Here's a close-up of the quilt. I serged the edges with a rolled edge and black metallic wooly nylon.

"TROPICALIZATION" completed July 23, 2006

I made this yesterday, at an obsessed pace in under 2 hours. I love this quilt, it just makes me happy to look at it.


OK, I've been putting this off for some time - actually since I started blogging - but the time has come to come ask all of you for a little help. I realize my blog may be a bit hard on the eye, in that every picture is the same size, and each picture is a separate blog entry, and that for my last quilt you have to read the posts backwards in order to get the sequence correct. I CANNOT FOR THE LIFE OF ME FIGURE OUT HOW TO ADD MULTIPLE PICTURES TO A POST!!! I usually use Hello and Explorer to post my pics, but it leaves no way for me to add more than one pic per post. I have tried uploading pictures into this post directly from my computer, but nothing ever shows up and it takes forever! What am I doing wrong? Should I be using flickr or some other method? Isn't it incorrect to add pics directly from my computer because a host site would make loading much faster? Any help would be super appreciated!
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