Guess where I went this weekend?

Those of you who were there know what this is!

HOUSTON I'm sorry, I don't mean to start on a negative note but what the heck? I thought this had to be one of the ugliest buildings I have ever seen. It housed the most beautiful quilts I've ever seen though. When some of my quilting buddies told me they were going to Houston for the Quilt show, I was sooo jeaulous. I mean, you can have all of the money, looks, brains, whatever and I'll be happy for you, but, you're going to a quilt show and not me? No way! So, last minute, hubby and I made the plans and we went! This place is so huge I didn't even have the chance to see everything, or buy everything, that I wanted. I'd never been to Texas before, so it was quite an adventure, but I really didn't get to see much as the weather was bad, and we came in and left in a whirlwind. Next time I have to plan to venture into and around the city. Y'all have amazing neighborhoods with all the amenities, and all car friendly! After commenting on how friendly everyone is in Houston, a gentleman proudly told me that Texas is known as the friendship state, and that any true Texan takes that reputation quite seriously, or he's not a true Texan, except for those in Dallas. Yep, that's really what he said! Anyway, Houston, I love ya!

My hotel on the other hand, was designed really well. I thought this was so cool - It's a panel of broken glass in the elevator, covered, of course, with smooth glass, and reached from floor to ceiling.

And check out this chandelier in the lobby. Is it not the coolest?

Here's a close-up. In any other building it might look like an eyesore, but because this place was so huge and it receded into the ceiling, you really don't notice it unless you look. Brilliant!
It's true what they say, Texans like everything B-I-G!!!I have to go over all the quilt pics and artists to see which is worth sharing with you, so bare with me! More to come!

But I will show you this. Round robin before it came to me...

Round robin after. So much better! Now I have to work on that black white and green one, although with all the inspiration from the Quilt show I'd much rather be doing something artsy. Stay tuned!