I've been "tagged by a meme." I admit my blognorance on this one, as I had no idea what that was. Deborah was kind enough to educate me. I am to answer the following questions, and post them to my blog. I hereby fulfill my blobgibation....
Four Jobs You've Had:
1. babysitter extraordinaire
2. "customer service" in a midtown manhattan electronics store that couldn't care less about the customer (oh could I tell you stories!)
3. auditor in a mid-sized accounting firm
4. accountant for a foreign government's organization which sells bonds around the world
Four Movies You Could Watch Over and Over:
1. Braveheart
2. Incredibles
3. The Sound of Music
Four Places You've Lived:
1. coastal, NYC
2. Bronx, NYC
3. 3 months in Jerusalem, Israel
4. mainland Queens, NYC
Four TV Shows you love to Watch:
1. That 70's Show
2. Simply Quilts!
3. Medium
4. any news magazine show like 60 minutes, etc
Four Places You've Been on Vacation:
1. Israel
2. Florida
3. Hershey/Lancaster PA
4. Tennessee
Four Websites You Visit Every Day:
well, not every day, but
1. my blog
2. other people's blogs
3. Hancock's of Paducah
4. news sites
Four Of Your Favorite Foods:
1. pizza and anything Italian
2. Oreo's (I've never met a cookie I didn't like)
3. chocolate
4. salad
Four Places You'd Rather Be:
1. Israel
2. the beach
3. sleeping in my bed without peripheral noise or a time I have to be up
4. shopping in Hancock's Paducah Kentucky store!
Four Albums You Can't Live Without:
i could live without these, but I like these artists
2. Phil Vassar
3. Alanis Morrissette
4. Pet Shop Boys
Four People You'll Pass This On To:
not sure yet, i need to think about this!