Tuesday, January 31, 2006

This is the quilt the giftee chose. I hate it, which makes it a real challenge as I took up this hobby to do what I wanted. Everything else in my life is determined by my kids, hubby, and their schedules, and quilting was for me. In addititon, she wants only solid pastel colors. So, there was a problem with that, as I don't have many solid fabrics, and certainly not pastels. Oh, and did I mention that it "has to match her room?" I explained to her grandmother that cost we agreed on is not enough for me to be worried about matching her room and purchasing a whole slew of new fabrics. If I did that I'd almost lose money on this quilt. So tonight, I'll ask the girl to purchase her own fabrics for slightly less cost to the grandma.

Back to that commissioned quilt. This is causing more aggravation than it is worth, but it's a milestone I am ready to cross - making money from my quilts. This is a picture of a quilt that I thought would be perfect for a Bat Mitzvah, but was nixed by the customer. I thought it would go together quickly, I could use up some of my stash, and not have to worry about yardage.

Saturday, January 28, 2006


Sorry to go off topic so much - those of you who have visited my blog before know that I pretty much talk about my quilting and sprinkle in some personal stuff, but I just love this photo. I was "randomly" chosen both ways to be frisked and searched, including my 13 year old daughter. Now, I know we can't legally do racial profiling, but when does the TSA have permission to employ common sense? And by the way, what's to stop a crazy terrorist from planting a bomb on his younger children? OK, back to quilting after this, I promise....

My kids, parents, and I waited patiently for hubby to time the spinning universal ball so we could see it say universal in the photo. I teased him so much about that! Now this is my favorite photo from the trip. You bet he made me eat my words!

How happy am I? I spent plenty in this Orlando JoAnn's Superstore. When will they open one close to me?


I'm back! This was the highlight of our trip. A rocket launch to pluto! It had been delayed for 2 or 3 days from before we arrived in Florida, and we hoped it wouldn't be delayed again. Somehow we stumbled upon the place the Floridians watch the launch - a rest stop on a causaway overlooking a beautiful bay. Volunteer x-navy guys played the countdown over a loudspeaker. Here, Hannah poses with the rocket exhaust. It was THE MOST AMAZING thing I have ever seen to date. By the way, estimated arrival - the year 2015.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

I like this shot best of all... Notice the tulle over the thread and for the border, so the batting shows through! I thought it, the frayed edges, the needle and thread, are all very "sewerly."

Another close up of messy work, but I didn't care! I guess my neighbor finally rubbed off on me, and I thought I heard her whispering in my ear, "Just do it, Miriam, who cares, get it done..."

Mega close-up of the heavy embroidery.

This is what I made today when I was supposed to be packing. I just couldn't help it. I kept thinking about everything I needed to do and the more stressed out I became the more I needed to quilt! So I stole away from the family into the dungeon that is my studio. That's where hubby found me and took my picture, below.

A close up of the needle and thread that will remain.

Do you recognize the fabric under the spool? It's that ugly challenge fabric for "The City Quilter!" Now, the fabric is supposed to be "recognizeable" or it will be disqualified. I need input on this one - do you think it will make the cut?

The two fabrics underneath were from a challenge that I didn't have time for. I also didn't like this fabric (left), which is why I bleached the heck out of it (right). To my dismay the pink just wouldn't leave no matter how many times I tried. So, this is a hodge-podge of ugly fabrics that worked together. I think this is why I didn't mind being messy. I figured, if I don't like it, no big woop. An interesting aside - the fabric frayed beautifully.


Hubby was looking for me all around the house, and this is where he found me. We've both been so tired as lil' man has been up every few nights wretching for hours. Turns out that he has MONO!!! I nearly fell off my chair when the pediatrician called with that news. My husband the doctor didn't even suspect this as it manifests very differently in young children. So we're off to Orlando soon with virus in tow. Thankfully his bad days are getting further and further apart. My biggest challenge is making sure the others don't get it, but I think they may have had it. I wouldn't have planned this vacation if I'd known, but as mom said, what could be better for them than warm weather?

Saturday, January 14, 2006


I've been "tagged by a meme." I admit my blognorance on this one, as I had no idea what that was. Deborah was kind enough to educate me. I am to answer the following questions, and post them to my blog. I hereby fulfill my blobgibation....

Four Jobs You've Had:
1. babysitter extraordinaire
2. "customer service" in a midtown manhattan electronics store that couldn't care less about the customer (oh could I tell you stories!)
3. auditor in a mid-sized accounting firm
4. accountant for a foreign government's organization which sells bonds around the world

Four Movies You Could Watch Over and Over:
1. Braveheart
2. Incredibles
3. The Sound of Music

Four Places You've Lived:
1. coastal, NYC
2. Bronx, NYC
3. 3 months in Jerusalem, Israel
4. mainland Queens, NYC

Four TV Shows you love to Watch:
1. That 70's Show
2. Simply Quilts!
3. Medium
4. any news magazine show like 60 minutes, etc

Four Places You've Been on Vacation:
1. Israel
2. Florida
3. Hershey/Lancaster PA
4. Tennessee

Four Websites You Visit Every Day:
well, not every day, but
1. my blog
2. other people's blogs
3. Hancock's of Paducah
4. news sites

Four Of Your Favorite Foods:
1. pizza and anything Italian
2. Oreo's (I've never met a cookie I didn't like)
3. chocolate
4. salad

Four Places You'd Rather Be:
1. Israel
2. the beach
3. sleeping in my bed without peripheral noise or a time I have to be up
4. shopping in Hancock's Paducah Kentucky store!

Four Albums You Can't Live Without:
i could live without these, but I like these artists
2. Phil Vassar
3. Alanis Morrissette
4. Pet Shop Boys

Four People You'll Pass This On To:
not sure yet, i need to think about this!

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Just thought I'd show you this quilt I made about a year ago for hubbie's office. I love that red and white fabric. It brings alot of action to the quilt, and I am tempted to use it often, but I don't as I do like change. I only bought a fat quarter of this one, shucks!


I got a call from a nice old lady last night. She wants to commission a quilt for her granddaughter's Bat Mitzvah.


While I have given serious thought to making money from my quilts, I've been putting it off for a while. I've actually turned people away. I'm not sure I want to be so busy, first of all, as I do have children that need attending to. Also, I don't want the work to remove my joy of quilting. Remove the joy and you remove the artistic flair - your personal stamp. That's why I've always thought that I'd create what I feel like creating, and if people like it they can buy. This is new territory. I'm still not 100% sure if I'm doing this yet, as she's consulting her granddaughter and we'll talk color/pattern. She's willing to pay what I asked, but given the time it will take for a full twin quilt it's really not that much. The way I see it I'm getting paid to get experience, and that makes it just great. Mostly I am flattered.

Gals, how much for a twin quilt in basic patchwork? What's average, what's professional?

Sunday, January 08, 2006


I've so missed blogging - writing mine and reading others'!

We've been offline due to cable modem difficulties, and I've literally been pacing the floors at a loss of what to do. Ever since hubby added high speed internet to my world, I've gotten most of my news online, kept in touch with friends (my "shy guy" doesn't let me talk on the phone for long), and shopped for fabrics, of course, with such pleasure. I didn't want high speed internet - who needs the extra extra expense, hassle, bla bla. Well, he did it anyway and now I'm addicted. I come to you today only through dial-up.

I'm due to fly south soon anyway, so there's not much quilting going on. Packing for 6 is tough! I find myself thinking about it in the middle of the night - what not to forget. I keep telling myself it's happy stress, the best kind, but I still wake up tired and cranky in the morning!

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Hannah and Leah helping to show scale.

"Diane Said You Can't Put Red and Pink Together" completed 1/1/06.

Detail of "shadow"

Detail of leaf and stem.
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