Sorry to go off topic so much - those of you who have visited my blog before know that I pretty much talk about my quilting and sprinkle in some personal stuff, but I just love this photo. I was "randomly" chosen both ways to be frisked and searched, including my 13 year old daughter. Now, I know we can't legally do racial profiling, but when does the TSA have permission to employ common sense? And by the way, what's to stop a crazy terrorist from planting a bomb on his younger children? OK, back to quilting after this, I promise....
I get stopped by security every time. It happened to me even in London. It makes me so angry every time, but what can I do?
It happened to me in London, too, a couple of years ago. My daughter started laughing, and the woman turned around, grinned, and frisked her, too. :) Mine must be random - unless they are profiling late middle-aged (is that too optimistic?) women!
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